Message from Founder :
Dear Readers,
On behalf of The Voices team, I welcome all of you to this new and exciting online international youth magazine.
Most of the schools and colleges have their own magazines and most of the students have their selective group of friends with whom they often share information and chat in different formats. In spite of the existence of several contemporary communication channels, social media and mobile applications like WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram have gained immense popularity all over the world and that too across ages, primarily due to its free global existence and ease of communication. There is no doubt about the fact that online communication will continue to significantly dominate our lifestyle in days to come and there will be several new online platforms for communication that will emerge from time to time.
During this recent lockdown due to the rapid spread of this Covid 19 pandemic, some of us felt the necessity of creating a global online youth platform, where students across the world can participate and share their creativity, talent and also share views and opinions on various topics and issues concerning them. With this idea, our team started working on this project and developed this website.
We would request all parents and school authorities to encourage the students to make good use of this creative and constructive platform.
This is just the beginning, we plan to continuously upgrade and improve the site to meet the needs and expectations of students across the world and make this an extremely popular youth forum.
Please do share articles, materials and suggestions.
Ruhail Choudhury,
Founder & Honorary Editor.
Message from Editor :
Dear Readers,
As we trudge along uncertainly under the looming shadow of the pandemic, it is my absolute pleasure to thank each one of you for your continued support and patronage. Under the able guidance of Advocate Ruhail and his very able team, I’m very excited to report that Voices Online has crossed one lakh readers. Of course, none of the many events, discourses, and discussions we’ve partaken of over the past few months would have been possible without you. Going forward, we look to scale new heights, and broaden our horizons further by challenging both epistemic and geographic boundaries. Boundaries are, after all, just boundaries, meant to be crossed. And cross we will, together and wiser.
All the very best, and stay safe!
Warm regards,
Deborshi Barat