The Path of Dissent and Deliberation

The Path of Dissent and Deliberation

All Advocacy is, in its core, an exercise in empathy.

A group of young students from across India organized the second iteration of the Dussehra Edition Model United Nations (DEMUN 2.0) from 11th-13th of October 2021. Started in the pandemic times in 2021, the online conference was led this time by Rishank C. from Hyderabad as the Secretary-General and Adrija Jana from Kolkata as the Deputy Secretary-General.

The Opening Ceremony was graced by Mr. Ruhail Choudhury, Senior Corporate lawyer, crusader for international peace and also Founder of and Mr. Gavi Kothari, Founder of ‘Tech Help for all’ as the Guest of Honour and the Chief Guest respectively.

The conference hosted over 50 delegates across three committees. The Futuristic Crisis Committee deliberated on the “Prevention of World War III” and the United Nations Human Rights Council debated on the “Situation of the Uighur Muslims in China.” Three days of Intense Debate and Discussions was followed by a cross examination of the statements made by the delegates through pertinent questions raised by the International Press members. The IP members also reported the happenings in both the committees in the Newsroom Reporting session.

The conference not only brought together huge number of young students from all over the country but also made an attempt to spread the message of international peace and friendly coexistence in the young minds.

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